Art Ambience
Fine Art Exhibit, Miniature Show and Sale
April 25, 26, and 27, 2025
Woodhaven Community Center
23101 Hall Road, Woodhaven, MI
Directly off the I-75 West Road exit.
Artist Submission Details:
Each artist may submit 3 Fine Art entries (160" in circumference or less) to be juried and 5 Non-Juried pieces of art (36" in perimeter or less).
A new section will feature Non-Juried 3-Dimensional Art (under 4' tall) made from found, purchased, or handmade items.
Eligibility: Artists 18 years and older are welcome to participate.
This is an event you won’t want to miss, showcasing the talent and creativity of our community. Whether you're an artist, an art enthusiast, or looking for a one-of-a-kind piece to add to your collection, we invite you to experience this exciting art show!
Fees are required.
Calendar of Events
April 12th Saturday Application deadline
April 19th Saturday Delivery of Artwork “TAKE IN DAY” 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Pick-up of work not accepted between 2:00 P.M.-3:30 P.M.
April 25th Friday Opening Reception and Awards Program 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.
April 26th Saturday Art Exhibition 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Demonstrating Artists 12:00 PM- 4:00 PM
April 27th Sunday Art Exhibition 11:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Pick up artwork 5:00 PM.- 5:30 PM
First Place $300. Cash Award
Second Place $200. Cash Award
Third Place $100. Cash Award
Honorable Mention Awards $30. each
Artists' Choice Award $100. Cash Award
The application fee is $35.00 for non-members and $25.00 for Creative Art Society members in good standing.
Questions can be answered by Maureen Keast at 734-777-6109 or mkeast1@aol.com. Or Jackie Walock at 313-570-6919 walock@sbcglobal.net.
PAY Special Member Art Entry Fee $25
Are you an up-to-date 2024-25 CAS MEMBER? Up-to-date Members ART ENTRY.
Only $25 (+ $3)*
*Applied to online purchases only
PAY Membership and Entry Fee $55
Need to renew or become a CAS member and PAY your ART ENTRY fee? Sign up for both!
$55 (+ $3)*
*Applied to online purchases only
PAY Non-Member Entry Fee $35
Not a CAS member? You don’t have to be be a member to enter a CAS Fine Art and Show.
$35 (+ $3)*
*Applied to online purchases only
PAY by US Mail Check or Money Order
You may submit your entry application and art entry fee payment by postal mail.* Click on the button below to let Jackie know.
*NO online service fee applied
Become an Individual CAS Member
Pay your $30 Individual CAS Membership fee* Membership
Valid Sept - June
*Applied to online purchases only
Not Sure if Your a Member or PAY Art Entry Fee in Person
Not sure if you are a Current CAS Member? Or you wish to pay for membership and/or art entry fees in-person? Contact Maureen for details.
Creative Art Society 2025
Art Ambience Exhibit, Show, and Sale
Volunteers are needed!
It’s the volunteers that make the CAS Exhibits, Shows, and Sales happen
The selfless donation of time, patronage, hard work, and passion makes local CAS art exhibits, shows, and sales possible.
If you would like to join us as a volunteer during this year’s exhibits contact Jackie below
Art Ambience
Art Ambience is a Juried Fine Art Exhibit and a non-juried Miniature Show & Art Sale. It is free to attend!
Last year there were more than 150 pieces of original artwork on display. Cash Awards are valued at over $800. The Fine Art section will be juried by a qualified artist who resides outside the Downriver and Dearborn areas.
There will be a lovely opening reception with light refreshments, entertainment, and a short award ceremony.
Each artist will be able to submit 3 fine art entries (160 " in circumference or less) to be juried and 5 non-juried Miniature pieces of art (24" in circumference or less). All entered artworks displayed will be available for purchase.
Competing artists 18 years and older are eligible.
Our 2025 CAS Visual Art Scholarship Award winners will be invited to display their winning artworks at this year's event. Artwork from these students will not be available for sale through Creative Art Society.
Dates of Event: April 25, 26, and 27, 2025
To Attend
Schedule For CAS Art Ambience Exhibit, Miniature Show, and Sale
Open Reception, Hours of Operation,
Art Demos and Workshops, and Art Sale Available
Friday, April 25th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Awards Presented Approximately 7:00 - 7:30
Saturday, April 26th from Noon - 5:00 PM
Sunday, April 27th from Noon - 4:30 PM
Saturday, April 27th from Noon - 4:00 PM
For Artists:
Art Entry Application and Art Entry Fee Deadline and Art TAKE IN DAY
AWARDS to be presented on April 25, 2025
at approximately 7:30pm:
1st Place $300 Cash Award
2nd Place $200 Cash Award
3rd Place $100 Cash Award
Honorable Mention Awards (3) $30 Cash Award
Artists’ Choice $100 Cash Award
TAKE-IN DAY (Deliver your artwork)
Saturday, April 19th
Volunteers arrive at 9:00 am
Participating pre-registered artists must drop off artwork between 10:00 AM - 12:00 NOON on TAKE IN DAY
Saturday, April 19th
Our Juror will be on hand to determine the winners between 12:30 - 1:00 pm on TAKE IN DAY
CAS WILL CONTACT YOU (By Phone) (if Your Artwork is not accepted)
Saturday, April 19th
Artists whose artwork is not chosen to be accepted into the Exhibit by the Juror will be notified by telephone beginning at 1:00 pm on TAKE IN DAY.
YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PICK UP YOUR ARTWORK (if Artwork is not accepted)
Saturday, April 19th
Artists not accepted into the show must pick up their artwork between 2:30 - 3:00 pm on TAKE IN DAY
Friday, April 25th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm Awards Presented Approximately 7:00 - 7:30
Art Ambience Exhibit, Minature Show, and Sale Hours
Saturday, April 26th from Noon to 4:00 PM
Sunday, April 27th from 11:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Artists are required to pick up their artwork from the Art Ambience Fine Art Exhibit, Show, and Miniature Sale on the final day of the event, Sunday, April 27th, between 5:00 - 5:30 PM
How to Enter
Use Buttons BELOW to Download and Print Your Application and Pay Your Entry Fee
Follow ALL Directions on the Art Ambience Application.
Please remember to fill out your application completely and sign. Applications can only be considered valid if they are signed. Electronic signatures are acceptable if sent by email.
Optional Step: Send CAS electronic images of your artwork
The Art Ambience Exhibit, Miniature Show, and Sale is an in-person event only. Artists ARE NOT required but are encouraged to submit digital images of your artwork along with your entries to help promote the event and sale.
These images may or may not include the artist’s retail price of the artwork when displayed on the Creative Art Society website. As an artist submitting images, you are granting Creative Art Society the authorization to promote the image online or in print with no monetary consideration to either party. The artist retains all copyrights
Display of the submitted artwork images online (at creativeartsociety.org) and/or in print is not guaranteed. The promotional display of the submitted artwork images may take place prior to, during, and/or after the Art Ambience event. The use of the image may be in print or online including the CAS website. The image may be used to promote the Creative Art Society and CAS events and is solely at the discretion of CAS representatives.
Use the camera on your cell phone or another source to take good (clear, close, and cropped) images of your artwork and submit them. Although professional photos are always best, we will accept the best photos you can offer. Please save images as digital (.jpg) files. The maximum image size accepted is 5MB. There is a limit of two artwork images of each item accepted.
Option 1:
A. Complete, sign, and send by postal mail to Jackie
To keep it simple You may submit the completed Art Ambience entry application, your CAS membership payment, and your Art Ambience Entry Fee (check or money order), by US Postal mail if you wish. Electronic artwork images may be submitted on CD or flash drive (thumb drive)
Art Ambience Entry Materials
Creative Art Society
c/o Jacqueline Walock
25419 Bohn Court, Flat Rock, MI 48134
Questions? Contact Jackie by email HERE
Option 2:
Email your entry. Attach your files to an email and send them to Jackie.
You may send the Art Ambience Application Form by email. Save your application form as a PDF file. Or you may use the camera on your cell phone to take a photo of each side of the trifold Art Ambience application. Be sure all information is legible. Then attach your files as an email attachment and send them to Jackie.
Then choose the payment you wish to apply. If you are paying by credit card, make your payment HERE
If you are a Creative Art Society (CAS) member, you will automatically receive a discount of $10 off the Art Call Entry fee for CAS-sponsored exhibits and shows. Here are the payment options:
PAY for your Art Ambience Entry Fee in person
You may pay for CAS purchases in person at events or at our next meeting. We accept credit cards, personal or business checks, money orders, and cash payments when paying in person.
PAY for your Art Ambience Entry Fee by mail. You may simply submit the application and send your Art Ambience Entry Fee payment by check or money order through the mail if you wish. Electronic artwork images may be submitted on CD or flash drive (thumb drive).
Mail Check or Money Order
Creative Art Society
c/o Jacqueline Walock
25419 Bohn Court, Flat Rock, MI 48134
Questions? Contact Jackie by email HERE
Individual Membership
Remember: SAVE $10 on ART EXHIBIT ENTRY FEES when you become a member. Pay your MEMBERSHIP with your credit card or Apple Pay.
$25 (+ $3 Service Fee)
Current CAS Members are
Artists Who Have Been CAS Members Since September 2024
CAS reserves the right to correct and adjust your Credit Card payment as needed. YOUR ART AMBIENCE ENTRY FEE PAYMENT is based on whether or not you are a CURRENT CAS MEMBER according to the accuracy of our current records.
Not sure if your CAS Membership is current? CONTACT MAUREEN
We will attempt to communicate information regarding any corrections made to your account through the contact information you have provided. Please be sure your contact information is up-to-date. Attempts to contact you will begin within 7-10 business days of processing. Cash, check, and money orders are accepted without fees, such as credit card charges, Paypal, and Apple Pay. Google Pay, Online Cash App, or Check app may apply.
We will communicate with you regarding any adjustments to your entry fee charge using the contact information you have provided to us. Necessary +/- adjustments (charges) will be itemized for your convenience. If you believe there is an error, please let us know.
To Correct Membership Information or with Questions :
Contact Maureen